The Employees State Insurence Act, 1948
THE EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE ACT, 1948 Q. 1. Explain the following terms under the E.S.I. Act, 1948 (1) Employee (2) Immediate Employer (3) Principal Employer (4) Dependant. Ans. (1) Employee.- 'Employee' means any person employed for wages in or in connection with the work of a factory or establishment to which this Act applies, and (i) who is directly employed by the principal employer to do any work of or incidental or preliminary to or connected with the work of the factory or establishment, whether such work is done by the employee in the factory or establishment or elsewhere, or (ii) who is employed by or through an immediate employer on the premises of the factory or establishment, or under the supervision of the principal employer, or his agent on work, which is ordinarily part of the work of the factory or establishment, or which is preliminary to the work carried on or incidental to the purpose of the factory or establishment, or, (...