Authorities to Hear claims under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936


Q. (a) Discuss the law relating to hearing and deciding of claims arising out of unauthorized deduction from the wages and the mode of their recovery under the Act.

(b) To which authority can an application for claims relating to Payment of wages be made under the Payment of wages Act? Describe briefly the procedure for making application and hearing by such authority?

(c) Discuss the provisions regarding an appeal against order of authority under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936.

(d) What remedy is available to an employed person in case of unauthorized deduction?

Authorities to hear the claims

Section 15 empowers the state government to appoint an authority for the purpose of this act. Every authority shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 [Section 14(5)]. Following persons are qualified for being appointed as an authority under the Act:-

(1)   A presiding officer of any Labour Court or Industrial Tribunal constituted under the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

(2)   Any commissioner for workmen’s compensation, or

(3)   Any officer with experience as a judge of a Civil Court or as Stipendiary Magistrate.

Jurisdiction of the authority   

The jurisdiction of the authority shall be specified at the very time of appointment. More than one authority may be appointed for any specified area and the State Government by general or special order, provide for distribution of allocation of work to be performed by them under the Act. It shall not decide any controversy which is not in its ambit within the provision, (Raj Kumar Mills v Inspector, AIR 1955 MB 6)

Presentation of Application

Who can apply :- If the payment of wages is delayed beyond the due date or deductions are made in contrary to the provisions of the Act, an application for recovering the same can be filed either by

(i)                 the person aggrieved,

(ii)               Legal practitioner,

(iii)             An authorized officer of the registered Trade Union,

(iv)             An Inspector , appointed under Section 14 of the Act.

(v)               A stranger with the permission of the authority.

Limitation  period

The limitation period for presenting  the application is 12 months from the day of default, either from the date of unlawful deduction, or  date due for payment of wages.

An application may be entertained even beyond 12 months if the authority is satisfied on the reasonability of the cause for delay for not making the application within the time prescribed for this purpose. In case of Prem Narayan Amrit Lal verma v Divisional Traffic Manager, Bhusawal, (1953) ILLJ 334 The court observed that the question of condonation of delay has to be decided after hearing both of the parties and the claims application cannot be admitted before the question decide. In case of Sita Ram v Nagrasana, 56 Bom. L.R. 930. Court observed that  the word “sufficient cause” is not any cause which is the personal opinion of the authority is sufficient and the sufficiency of the cause is to be decided by proper legal principles. D.R. Jerry v Union of India AIR 1974 S.C. 130.  In this case the appellant was dismissed from service  by the Railway Authority. Thereafter he filled a writ petition under  Article 226 of the Constitution challenging his dismissal. Consequently he was reinstated in his original post as a result of  the order of the court. He was informed that the period from dismissal to reinstatement was considered as leave period. Supreme court held that the limitation start from the decision of ‘leave without pay’ and not from date of dismissal or reinstatement.   

Procedure before the authority

After the claim application has been filled

(a)    Authority has to issue notice to employer or responsible person for payment of wages to state their objection.

(b)   After inquiry authority may direct to employer to pay wages, refund unauthorized deduction or pay compensation.

The amount of such compensation shall not exceed the amount prescribed under Section 15 (3) of the Act.

But no direction for the compensation can be made in the case of delayed wages if the authority satisfied that the delay was to :

(a)    A bonafide error or bonafide dispute as to the amount payable  to the employee concerned; or

(b)   The occurrence of  of an emergency of the existence of exceptional circumstances due to which the person responsible for the payment of wages was unable , though exercising  reasonable diligence, to make  prompt payment; or

(c)    The failure of the employee to apply for or accept payment


Section 15 (4) empowers the authority to penalize the person default as prescribed under Section 15 (4).


Section 17 provide that the aggrieved may file an appeal within 30 days  of the day on which the order or direction has been made by the authority. The limitation period shall be calculated from the date of order or direction and not from the date  on which the party came to know of the order. The appeal shall lie to the small causes court in Presidency Towns and (2) The District Court elsewhere.

Order against which appeal lies,

(i)                 Against an order dismissing either wholly or in part an application filed before the authority under Section 15 (2) for refund of unathorised deduction made, or payment of delayed wages, or

(ii)               Against the direction of the authority  for refund of amount wrongfully  deducted together with the compensation, if any , or

(iii)             Against a direction of authority for payment of the delayed wages, together with the compensation if any, or

(iv)             Against the direction of the authority for payment  of compensation under Section 15 (3), or

(v)               Against the order of the authority imposing penalty under section 15 (4) of the Act.

It may be noted that the right of appeal is, however, subject to certain conditions specified in different  clauses of Section 17 of the Act. If appeal become time barred, a party can not be heard under Article 226 & 227 of the Constitution of India.

It may be remembered that the order given in appeal will be treated final order, and no further appeal will be entertained. But this shall be subject to the revisional jurisdiction under Section 115 of Civil Procedure Code and jurisdiction under Article 227 of the Constitution.



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