Essential conditions of valid contract
Q.1. Write a short note on 'Essentials of a valid contract. or “All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts." Comment on this statement. or A invited B to a dinner at his house on Sunday. B hires a taxi and reaches A's house at the appointed time, but A failed to perform his promise. B felt insulted and filed a suit for recovery or the amount of Rs. 100 which he had spent on hiring taxi Decide. Or L, a civil servant, employed in India, went to England with his wife, M. she could not return with him and had to stay in England for some treatment. L promised to send her some money to meet her expenses and the cost of treatment. He did not send the money for some time and stopped it after some time. Differences arose and the amount fall into arrears. M sued her husband. Can she succeed? Give reasons . Ans. Essentials of a Valid Contract Section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, defines the term "contract" as an agreement enforceable by...